Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Palouse Cup!

I am very excited about this tournament. It should be a lot of fun and a great way to bring our polo-ing communities together. So grab a couple people and sign up! Here is the link for more info:

Feel free to contact me about car pool or if you are interested in participating but need team mates!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Polo in Pullman

There is going to be some polo in Pullman on Thursday! The fun starts there at 8pm and I am pretty excited and want to go play. I have room for a few more if anybody wants to come along, just let me know as soon as you can.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Thanks to Will for putting up that last post! Its too bad you won't be here to play with us for quite a while.
I would also like to say sorry for the sudden drop off in matches. I've been having some helth issues and haven't been well enough to host a match. I'll get one going as soon as possible though!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

La Polo

A little french lesson for you, the title loosely translates to "The Polo" which randomly is what were going to play on thursday at 7pm in peaceful valley (Under the bridge down by the river, just if we had a van). Looks like some cda and pullman kids are going to come out soooo it should be a good time, hope to see YOU there. Also watch the Spokesman for an article about SBPC to be published soon.

Friday, July 10, 2009


The next match will be held Thursday, July 16th at 6:30 pm. Same location (Peacefull Valley). Mallets and fun provided, just bring your bike, your friends, and their bikes!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Hey, let me know!

I was thinking of having a match during the week sometime since the sun stays out so late these days. I know that makes it hard for the out of towners so I guess I could forgive you if you can't make it, but just this once. I was thinking Thursday at six or seven. If you are interested please leave a comment on here or let me know at the FBC ride or send me a text or send me a curier pigeon with a little note. I don't care how you go about it but I would like to get a tentative head count. Please and thank you!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Here are some pics from the latest bike polo. Thanks to everyone for braving the rain and coming out. The corner of death didn't claim any victims so i think this is a case of all's well that ends well. Next match to be announced soon.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Back in the Grove

We have come upon some tough times the last two weeks but were about to turn it around. Pullman is recruiting as far as TEXAS to try and find a player Worthy of facing Spokane Bicycle Polo Club! They are bringing in a ringer but i know they will be No match if we represent and show up for this Sundays match at 4pm in Peaceful Valley. BE THERE

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Not Hung Over

Well, Fearless Leader rode off into the sunset this morning and won't be back in time for Sunday's match. FEAR NOT! Your other fearless leader (me) will be there to pick up the slack. Meet me Sunday, at 4pm, under the Maple street bridge in Peaceful Valley!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Hung Over

Sorry for any one who showed up and we weren't there. Not enough people to play so I bailed. Try again next time.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Pictures from 5.31.09. Don't forget about our next match on Sunday at 4pm in Peaceful Valley.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

So good...

That we should do it again. This Sunday 6/7 at 4pm in Peaceful Valley. Sorry about the short notice hope you all can make it again. This will be a good way to work off prom. If you dont know about Prom check out the FBC link. It's could prove to be the greatest bike event in Spokane for 2009....behind polo of course. Thanks again for every one at the last game...Cameron your a trooper and i still owe you a beer.

Monday, June 1, 2009


Great Game! fun was had by all! I'll add the photos to the slide show but here are a few high lights. Special thanks to (sorry if i miss you)
Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Due to Overwhelming response SBPC has decided to host a polo match this Sunday. We are going to be mixing it up a little this time:
Returning to the court below the Maple Street Bridge
Moving the Play time to 4pm (just for you Kyle)
This way we can play with our good friends from Pullman and we'll be in the shade.
A new court is still in the works any suggestions would be welcome.
Also a WAY late shout out to CDA for their last match. Tons of fun was had by all...sorry we had to own you on your home turf but SBPC doesn't hold back.
Aaron "Bliss" Schreier SBPC is excited to meet you and play Email me if you have any questions/concerns/comments.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

WE need YOU!

When do YOU want to play next? Leave a comment when a good time is and we'll host a game. I finally got my bike dialed in so you CDA folk better be careful. LETS PLAY

Saturday, May 16, 2009


CDA is at it again! We're going to head to Idaho for a little Polo on Sunday at 4:30. Anyone interested in joining its a last minute invite but post a comment with your number and we'll arrange a ride. Thanks to CDA for stepping up and hosting another game.

View Larger Map

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

New Location

Great New spot to play. Downtown just a few blocks East of Division on 3rd. This is the parking lot of the old (closed) Costco. We might be around back (south side of building). As far as i know this will be the new permanent home of SBPC. 3pm hope you can make it and bring a friend or two.

View Larger Map

Thursday, April 30, 2009

No Excuses

Everything is turning green, the last of the burms are melting, and most sorority girls are back to flip flops with their mini skirts instead of Uggs. Spring is upon us! I want to see everyone out Sunday, May 10th @ 3pm to welcome the much needed warmth. As of now we are still playing at the location under the bridge, but will be scouting others. Check back to see what amazing place we find next.
What I am very excited about is all the new people I am sure to see on Sunday! You really have no excuse not to come. The sun will be shining, we have plenty of mallets, and I always bring snacks, delicious snacks. Every experience level is welcome, as we are all pretty much beginners ourselves. So grab whatever bike you have, grab your bike loving friends and meet us on Sunday, May 10th @ 3pm for a good time with great people!

Friday, April 17, 2009


It's official SBPC will be making a trip to Pullman on Sunday the 19th. We will be leaving at 10am, and anyone interested in coming should contact me, we only have one seat left open.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Third times the charm

Thanks to those die hard riders who braved the rain and god's wrath to come play POLO on Easter. A special thanks to Evan and Kelsey who FLEW themselves and their bikes all the way from Seattle to play with us...and to see family but that's besides the point. The point is YOU ROCK! We played for four hours and loved every wet minute of it...after all rain just makes the beer taste better. Another quick note Pullman is at it again! This time they have organized the East's first Spring polo Tournament! Its short notice but I think I'm going to try and make it if any one else wants to ride along leave me a comment. To check out their new site go here. Get out and Ride.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Next Match

Sunday April 12 3pm Under the Maple street ridge in Peaceful Valley.

Monday, March 23, 2009

We were rained out and locked out but the players were never deterred. We had another successful match (see picture sideshow below). Thanks again to the Pullman players and new this game Coeur d'Alene Idaho. Soon to come: Videos, Next match date, Event Calendar, and a CDA team.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Much Anticipated

You asked for it and you got it...next match MARCH 22nd 3pm. Same Location as last time corner of Maple and Main. Still waiting on pictures but soon enough. Hope to see every one there.

Friday, March 6, 2009


First match was a great success. Thanks to every one who made this possible:
Brian and Maria, my partners in crime
Stu and Liz for the bike and support
Wheel Sport
Pullman Moscow players

Next match to be announced soon and hopefully pictures.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Humble Start

Many have asked if we are still planning to go through with our first match...All i can say is that I'll be there some new friends from the Pullman/Moscow Polo Club will be there Maria Brian Stu and Liz will be there. If you can bundle up and brave the rain you should be there too. The spoke cards are printed and laminated there's no turning back now! Neither rain sleet or snow can stop the driving force of SBPC!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

First Match

March 4th 7pm
Corner of Maple and Main (Under the Maple street bridge)
Near peaceful valley park at the tennis court
Everyone with a bike Welcome
If you have a mallet bring it if not I have 6 and you can borrow one.
We'll probably play for 1-2 hours then go grab a beer.
Bring a friend and lets have some fun.

Monday, February 9, 2009


Welcome to the newly created home of The Spokane Bicycle Polo Club. We're gearing up for our first official mach. The date is to be announced but check back often for updates. Don't know what bike polo is all about check out The Rules or Watch a short video, better yet show up to the first official game in March and be a part of Spokane history.